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Ethiopia and Sudan 2001 : Part 2 - Simien Mountains

My film from Simien mountains was stolen later in Sudan, so some of these photos are taken from the website of my friend Roman Garba. Look at his website .

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A market in Debark - a village with park headquarters. Everyone must start from this village and pay an entrance fee and unfortunately pay for compulsory guide as well. (photo by Roman).

Scenery between Debark and higher parts of Simien mountains was very unexpectable for Ethiopia - it looked like southern France to me (photo by Roman)

Nice flora (photo by Roman)

Nice flora (photo by Roman)

The beginning of Simien mountains before Werk Amba campsite - view to the north.

Never-ending mesas to the north from the high mountain plato.

(photo by Roman)


A view from Imet Gogo viewpoint to the north

A view from Imet Gogo viewpoint to the north

Along the edge on the way to Chenek camp (photo by Roman)

Chenek campsite (photo by Roman)

(photo by Roman)

(photo by Roman)

Children (photo by Roman)

Children (photo by Roman)

Simien mountains are quite cold - this is typical local hat.

Endemic species of Baboon (it lives in Simien mountains only!) can often be seen. These baboons live in herds. They are not  afraid of humans a lot, so they can be photographed without problems.

Another child shepherd ...


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