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 Yemen 2007 - Part 4 - Socotra - trek by wadi Darho back to Hadibo

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By car to the start of the short trek.

The 'V' junction of wadi Dirhur (left) and wadi Darho (right - where jeep road still continues). We started our 2 day trek back to Hadibo here.

Famous 'dragon blood tree' with vultures here.

'Egyptian Vulture' seems to be present everywhere in Socotra. It's maybe 50-60cm tall.



  View south from 'V' junction.

The 'V' junction of wadi Dirhur (left) and wadi Darho (right).

The 'V' junction of wadi Dirhur and wadi Darho.

The 'V' junction of wadi Dirhur and wadi Darho.

The 'V' junction of wadi Dirhur (left) and wadi Darho.

The 'V' junction of wadi Dirhur (left) and wadi Darho. In case of rain, this would be very dangerous place to camp due to the high water in the wadi !

This might be 'Socotra Starling'.

Small fresh water crab was present in almost all fresh waters, hopefully a good sign.



'Socotran desert rose'

'Socotran desert rose'

Village in the middle part of wadi Darho.

Village in the middle part of wadi Darho.



Beautiful Socotran girl.

Up in wadi Dahro.

Up in wadi Dahro.

Vultures again.

Up in wadi Dahro. Scant - the highest mountain range is in distance. Our path took us a bit to the right (east), where the ridge can be crossed easily.

Up in wadi Dahro, we had plenty of water here in Octobere, seems to be good time to visit Socotra.

Up in wadi Dahro.

Up in wadi Dahro.

Up in wadi Dahro.

Up in wadi Dahro.



Up in wadi Dahro - species of Socotra aloe.

Up in wadi Dahro.


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