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Siberia 2002 - Part 5 - From Sasyr to Khonuu by Moma river - horsebreeders

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Child of horsebreeders

One of horsbreeders ("konevody" in Russian transcript)

Horse breeders

Horse breeders

Horse breeders

Horse breeders

Child of horsebreeders

Child of horsebreeders


Liver from the horse (injured and shot a day earlier).

Just one day ago, this horse was alive...

A truck trail ("traktornaya" in Russian transcript) is sometimes hard to follow, because of swamps it goes over. It is a common kind of "road" in Siberia.

With horses over the place of Ulakhan Taryn ice crust. There was almost no ice crust there in 2002. I don't know why, that summer was quite cold (more than usually I think) and no ice crust seemed to be a result of opposite temperatures.

Crossing the river pretty fast not to get wet so much.


This is just a one small ice crust, that remained there.



Balagan Tass volcano

It is hard to believe, that the clay layer is so thin (approx. 1m) above the permafrost. But it is true, look at the ice layer just under the ground.

I think each of these elk's antlers had around 5 kg ... quite heavy to carry.

Another Momsky NP sign and our group.


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