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  Pakistan 2009 - Part 5 - Lower parts of  Hispar glacier

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Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite

Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite



??? looks like Kunyang glacier, but due to photo sequence it should be Pumari Chhish glacier ???

Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite



Middle parts of Hispar glacier

Middle parts of Hispar glacier

On the way to Ulum Burum campsite

Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite

Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite

Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite

Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite

Grassy plains with yaks around Ulum Burum campsite

  Difficult finish of crossing Pumari Chhish glacier

Our campsite 30mins before Dachigan (but without water, Dachigan was beautiful with water!)



Hispar glacier

Uncrossable Kunyang glacier, the would be path was later discovered on the main Hispar glacier, marked with cairns, starting by a descent to main glacier a few hundred meters back (to the direction  of Hispar La) from here.

Kunyang glacier

Kunyang glacier

The final day to Hispar, going around the uncrossable Kunyang glacier

The final day to Hispar, going around the uncrossable Kunyang glacier

The final day to Hispar, going around the uncrossable Kunyang glacier

The final day to Hispar, going around the uncrossable Kunyang glacier

The final day to Hispar

The final day to Hispar

The final day to Hispar

The final day to Hispar

Hispar village, just the final down and up the gorge ....

Hispar village

Hispar village

Hispar village

Hispar village

From Hispar to Nagyr, no jeeps were normally present in Hispar, you either call by own satelite phone someone in Nagyr with jeep (locals have phone numbers) or wait for some jeep to appear (that took up locals). It takes almost 3hrs down to Nagyr by jeep, we did not want to walk it at alll after 18 days on the trek !


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