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  Nepal 2006 - Part 8 - Anapurna area - Jomosom-Kagbeni-Muktinath section

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Jomosom airport with Anapurna massif in background

Good road now (end of 2006) stretched from Jomosom north as far as Muktinath and south as far as Lete. In a few years, motorcycles will be able to go all the way from Pokhara to Muktinath. At that time, Jomosom trek will be best suited for mountain bike riding, not trekking in my view.



Between Jomosom and Kagbeni

Nice old village of Jharkot (last village below more more famous and not that nice Muktinath)

Jharkot gompa

Inside Jharkot gompa

Inside Jharkot village

Inside temple complex in Muktinath

  Inside temple complex in Muktinath

  View down from Muktinath with Jharkot village on the hill in the middle



View down from Muktinath with Jharkot village on the hill in the foreground

Children in Jharkot



Children in Jharkot

Preparing Tibetian tea in the long pipe like pot

Autumn in Jhakot village area with valley leading towards Thorong La pass (right valley)

Autumn in Jhakot village area

Autumn in Jhakot village area

Dry Mustang/Tibet like scenery in Jharkot village area

Dry Mustang/Tibet like scenery in Jharkot village area

Dry Mustang/Tibet like scenery in Jharkot village area



Near Kagbeni village (view towards Jharkot/Muktinath)

Kagbeni village, the valley right is already in restricted Upper Mustang area



Kagbeni village, the valley in distance is already in restricted Upper Mustang area

View from Kagbeni into Upper Mustang

View from Kagbeni into Upper Mustang

Another view from Kagbeni

People of Kagbeni

People of Kagbeni

  Between Jomosom and Kagbeni

  Dhaulaghiri as seen from Larjung village (half day down from Jomosom)


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